11 ordspråk av Phil Crane

Phil Crane

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 As my dad said, you have an obligation to leave the world better than how you found it. And he also reminded us to be givers in this life, and not takers.

 Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan had tremendous influence on generations of American because, even if people disagreed with them, they admired them because they made very strong commitments to things they believed in.

 I certainly respect privacy and privacy rights. But on the other hand, the first function of government is to guarantee the security of all the people.

 I never let politics get personal. You can have the most intense, heated debate on issues, and so long as you keep it on issues, you can go out and have coffee afterwards and you're good friends.

 I think what's going on is that San Antonio continues to produce jobs. That's the key ingredient.

 I used to tell my history students that while he was a Democrat, I admired Harry Truman because he took tough positions and then stood up for them.

 In telecommunications, China represents the largest potential market in the world,

 Over a period of time, I have sensed an increased dependence on alcohol. This dependence has taken a toll on my health and other aspects of my life. While this in many ways is a particularly difficult time for me to take a leave from the House, I have reached a point where I feel I must address this problem.

 Re-examining all of the federal departments and agencies and whether they should exist is the next great battle for conservatives.

 This is a vote that is required if we are going to enjoy all of the WTO trade advantages with a new member of WTO, namely the People's Republic of China. And if we do not approve this, and we go back to simply renewing our annual trade relations, normal trade relations with China, they continue to access our market, but we are locked out of theirs, as we are at the present time.

 This is the strangest period that I can recall in my lifetime, because individuals that will encourage their own children even, to blow themselves to kingdom come to take our innocent men, women and children, is something that is unconscionable. These are like uncivilized animals.

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