62 ordspråk av Rafer Alston

Rafer Alston

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 (The last foul) was game-changing. He shoots it short, we get the rebound and the pressure's on them. They get two free throws and we have to score.

 (We're) not hitting outside shots ? again. ( Yao Ming ) is making great, pinpoint passes to us. We had great spacing. It's the inability to consistently knock down outside shots.

 Every time down, you know they're going to them. When they get it going, they can pretty much shoot from anywhere on the court.

 good fit for this team. I don't know if I'm a good fit for this league.

 He got into a rhythm early and it's hard to get him out of it. When you do want to play defense, you can't touch or breathe on a guy like that.

 He's as tough as it gets.

 I didn't appreciate that. You've got the win in hand. You see we're not trying to foul you anymore. I didn't think he was going to shoot the ball. I know they were going for a triple-double. You guys won. Take it on home. Don't pad your stats and try to show us up.

 I enjoy him being harsh on us. It's motivation to go out there and play better. I enjoy him challenging us.

 I loved to be prepared. I love to go in there and understand what we are doing defensively, offensively. I like to know what the other teams have been doing the last five or six games. Going into games I didn't know.

 I thought he was going to collapse out there.

 I'll give it a go. It felt good today getting up and down (the court). If I had some more practices, my wind would be a lot better. But the good thing is I did a lot of cardio while I was out, so I'm not that far behind as far as my wind.

 I'm a good pace guy, a guy with energy. They got to watch us. I'm going to come off the pick-and-roll hard. I'm going to turn the corner. It helped that I stepped behind and hit the shot, something I was doing the last three or four years in this league. That's something I have to keep doing.

 If you can imagine us being as healthy as Detroit or San Antonio or Phoenix, I can only imagine what our record is.

 It comes down to sticking with our game plan, not getting away from the things we know we need to ? that's continuing to find Yao, and keeping our turnovers down. When we turn the ball over and we're not getting the ball to Yao, letting him create shots for us as they double team and if they don't double, letting him score, we're just giving away the game. We were right there. We should have played the game the same way we did in the (first) half.

 It shows how much he cares, how much pride and courage he has. A lot of guys would say, 'I have a cracked rib,' and pack it in. He keeps going out there.

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