All the data is pointing to a lot of momentum, and if (the Fed) wants to slow down the economy, why stop in May? |
From that perspective, Miller looks like a good chairman. But he was basically fired. |
I was thinking that we'll have a rate hike in March and again in May. This (employment report) increases the probability of May. |
If consumer confidence holds steady, and consumers spend the money from tax cuts, and once business see a clear sign of a rebound in sales, then around September or October, they're going to budget and change their targets for capital spending. Then, it takes a couple of months to hire people and get set up. |
If the economy recovers quickly, the 10-year rate could be 5.2 percent even earlier than what they're projecting, and it could be 6 percent in the coming years. |
If you are looking at the health of the corporate sector, this report is very positive. That sector is not going to slow down even if interest rates keep going up. |
India cannot be inhuman to send back people who are persecuted or whose lives are in danger in their own countries. Currently, it's a cumbersome, ad-hoc process which does not expeditiously verify the status of refugees. |
It will depend more on the phase of the business cycle and the credibility of the institution, namely the central bank, and the person. |
New Orleans is an economic disaster. This tragedy is so unprecedented people could be out of work for three, six, nine months or longer. |
People are looking towards their remarks about how the economy is doing, and I think they will be more specific on that. The Fed will probably tailor its remarks to build the expectation that it will be a while before they raise rates. |
Right now, the worms are just an irritant, but there are a lot of weird things happening -- worms, bomb blasts [in Baghdad and Jerusalem] -- that are not good for the morale of executives. If that takes a hit, the much-vaunted recovery in business investment might get delayed. |
The only problem would be if Bush picked someone who is a crony or doesn't have experience. |
This is the best news that Georgia has heard in a long time. |
When the economy is running below potential, I don't mind deficits at all. |
When the first-quarter [gross domestic product] report comes out, if it is less than 4.5 percent to 5 percent, they are done [with rate increases]. If it is way above 4.5 percent, then expect more. |