8 ordspråk av Rep. Susan Bucher

Rep. Susan Bucher

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 I think it is irresponsible leadership to keep stealing from that fund, and it's got to change. We are seeing such a shortage of affordable housing that we are losing our work force. We need every dime we can get.

 It seems to me, if we are looking to get our arms around the exploding cost of Medicaid, we would look at the people who are working first.

 My primary concern is racial profiling.

 Not to say Democrats don't hunt or fish, but this is really targeted at rural communities that tend to vote Republican.

 The population that we are trying to reach is not the population that is going to be appealed to by slick marketing efforts. This population relies on individuals within their own communities who can carry that message.

 There appears to be a little bit of fuzzy math going on.

 We are doing nothing more than giving out gifts to corporate and insurance industries once again, while cheating our constituents out of the right to protections.

 We should not be subsidizing businesses with your tax dollars, and then they turn around and give us Medicaid patients.

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