8 ordspråk av Richard Summers

Richard Summers

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 Having seen the body myself and the damage that was done to the body, this is about what we expected the report to show. It's obvious that this man was beaten to death.

 I felt I owed it to the family and this case to investigate the body.

 I see a fear here, and I sense it.

 I'm sad for him and I'm sad for Harvard. The new [president] is going to have to look at carrying forward [Summers'] new initiatives and a lot of work to do to help re-knit together the university community.

 It was one of the worst and most debilitating scenes.

 On behalf of the family, we are very pleased that these indictments have been handed down.

 The 14th Amendment of the Constitution protects the rights of everyone standing on United States' ground. There is a difference in culture, but family and love and death all mean the same things whether you're in the U.S. or Honduras.

 This is a very strong report, and it's unequivocal. My hope is that this will be an important factor that the district attorney will take into account in whatever decision he will make about whether to prosecute these men who did this to Carlos. It is certainly something that I will be using in my case.

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