5 ordspråk av Robin Burgard

Robin Burgard

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 Defense and rebounding were the keys. We did a great job of rebounding in the second half. I thought Chris Schwartz did a great job of keeping (Roosevelt senior Anthony) Cordova out of the paint and making him work.

 He brings great point guard skills and toughness.

 I think we feel good about our shooting finally. After as bad as we shot yesterday, we shot that much better today.

 We had nine kids who all made strong contributions tonight. I saw nine kids in the locker room who were awfully tired. When you have tired kids, that's a good sign.

 We've talked about playing a full 32 minutes and not quitting after eight. It wasn't looking good, but the comeback is a tribute to our five seniors. They bring it every day to practice, and I couldn't be prouder of a bunch of guys.

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