[Whitman won four years ago with a promise to cut state income taxes by 30 percent, and did it. Clinton said that sounded good but left a hangover of debt and local taxes, leading to a competitive race] we shouldn't even be having up there because the economy's good with an incumbent governor. ... Even if we come close and do not win, it'll be a great victory for this party. |
But even if I were not term-limited, I would say I need to move on anyhow, ... There is a certain freshness you need as governor and none of us need to be growing stale in office. |
I do think there is something to be said for those who have significant experience at state level and have run campaigns or have been deeply involved in grass roots political campaigns and who have actual hands-on experience, |
I know that creek well, ... It just catches your breath when you see that amount of damage. |
I know this man, I've known him for 15 years, he's my friend. I believe him. He's categorically denied it, |
I know why they went after the president. After you've killed the tobacco act, after you've killed an attempt to pass an HMO (reform bill), after you've killed the attempt to put 5,000 new school buildings in America, what else can you do? |
I think the American people were saying we do not want to have further investigation. We want to close this off. They clearly made a separation between the personal conduct ... They want Congress to wrap it up, get it behind them, so we can get on to the issues that the president has been working with Congress. |
I was asked, did I have an affair and did I have a sexual relationship. My answer was no. Now, let me explain that answer. There was no sexual relationship. Affair is a word you have to interpret. I chose in those years, 1990, 1994 to interpret that if you don't have a sexual relationship, you don't have an affair, |
I'm not just a politician, ... I'm a guy who has a real deep, substantive, commitment to education. |
In the course of this marriage, about 16 years ago, I began to work with a person who became a very close professional colleague and a very good personal friend, |
It is clear that we must still implement programs to move up our API scores at all levels, but we are encouraged with the trend, |
Our information is that [the fund-raising plan] probably was raised by a Teamster representative to a member of our staff, but it was never implemented, ... Meet The Press. |
There weren't sufficient checks in place, |
They neglected building any high schools here for 30 years, |
This is a truly historic vote. Los Angeles is making a massive statement that we want to educate our children right. It makes up for 35 years of neglect. |