9 ordspråk av Salih Mutlaq

Salih Mutlaq

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 If the constitution is passed against the will of the Iraqi people, it will increase the violence.

 If we are pushed in this direction, then the country will continue in the situation it is in now — no stability and no security,

 To be honest, we don't have the financial resources. We don't have any television channels.

 We are saying if federalism is going to be approved now, it will mean the destruction of Iraq .

 We don't have any agreement with our brothers in the party to vote 'yes' for the constitution.

 We have no court in Iraq to trust.

 Who created the sectarian attitude in Iraq? The occupation, ... We never heard of this before in our history. But it's good that Condoleezza Rice realizes sectarianism is not good for Iraq. All we want from them is fair and clean elections next month.

 Who created the sectarian attitude in Iraq? The occupation. We never heard of this before in our history. But it's good that Condoleezza Rice realizes sectarianism is not good for Iraq. All we want from them is fair and clean elections next month.

 [Sunnis fear their campaign may be seriously outgunned.] To be honest, we don't have the financial resources, ... We don't have any television channels.

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