I think the young are very much aware of the current race climate [in their schools]. They see certain black males being sent to the principal's office. They see Advanced Placement programs passing them over. |
I want to combine a fiery leadership while using the old wisdom that is available to me. We are going to focus on three problems: the schools, police accountability, which really needs improvement, and black contracting. There are so few minority-owned firms getting work on local construction projects. |
I'm impressed with the Federal Way School District. They had disparities so extreme in their system they were forced to come up with a solution to address it. They are holding the teachers accountable. So many school districts put the burden of responsibility on the parents and the kids. |
Our marching orders remain the same. |
They are still having their disparities. |
Under Carl's leadership the NAACP became more of a service organization for cases of discrimination against individuals. I plan to continue the service organization approach. This branch was recognized (under Mack) as the number one branch in the nation. We know how to fight discrimination best. I feel we can make a difference while utilizing the experience of the older leadership. I still have [past leaders] Judge Charles V. Johnson and Judge Donald Haley and others to go to [for advice]. |
You would be amazed at how many people come in here with a complaint and when we ask them, is your race a factor, at first they don't want to admit that. They will try all kinds of other answers out first. |