I don't care about champagne backstage or anything else - the one thing I need to specify is that I can't have any Arctic drafts on stage. |
I hate the industry even more now, no bands get nurtured anymore. Labels only spend money promoting acts they know will be Top Ten. I find it offensive spending $2 million on a video. |
I've never been anti-sex or anti-sexuality. I'm just anti-hypocrisy. |
It was trying to break down the stereotypes and it was the kind of thing where, for the first time, women were on a par and not seen as just objects. Though girls were objectified still. |
So of course I found that 'Goth' tag very limiting and, rightly so, I didn't go along with it. Why would I go along with having two arms and a leg cut off? Why would I allow myself to be like Boxing Helena? |
What I really resent most about people sticking labels on you is that it cuts off all the other elements of what you are because it can only deal with black and white; the cartoon. |
What people don't understand is when punk started it was so innocent and not aware of being looked at or being a phenomenon and that's what everyone gets wrong. You can't consciously create something that's important, it's a combination of chemistry, conditions, the environment, everything. |
You can't take anything like that seriously. I mean, sex is pretty hilarious anyway. |