I was a minstrel, out of work, when the Lord took me into His service. To sing His Praises day and night, He gave me His Order, right from the start. |
I was separated and cut off from the Lord for so many lifetimes. |
I wash the feet of those who walk upon Your Path. With my eyes, I long to behold those kind people. |
I will now serve You forever, and I shall never be separated from You, even for an instant. Servant Nanak is Your slave, O Beloved Master. |
If a husband leaves his wife, their children may bring them back together in the world, and the bond is established. |
If all the earth became sugar, to continually excite the mind; if the mountains became gold and silver, studded with gems and jewels - even then, I would worship and adore You, and my longing to chant Your Praises would not decrease. |
If all the eighteen loads of vegetation became fruits, and the growing grass became sweet rice; if I were able to stop the sun and the moon in their orbits and hold them perfectly steady - even then, I would worship and adore You, and my longing to chant Your Praises would not decrease. |
If an arrow is shot at the sky, how can it reach there? The sky above is unreachable - know this well, O archer! |
If anyone really has anyone else - how rare is that person! All are Yours - You are the Lord of all. |
If at all times, at each and every moment, they live in the fear of God - O Nanak, the Lord dwells within their minds, and their cleansing bath is true. |
If God Himself bestows His Mercy, then He is not forgotten, even for an instant. |
If He grants His Grace, then we obtain it. We cannot find it by our own efforts. Remain attached to the Feet of the Guru, and eradicate selfishness from within. |
If I could live for millions and millions of years, and if the air was my food and drink, and if I lived in a cave and never saw either the sun or the moon, and if I never slept, even in dreams - even so, I could not estimate Your Value. How can I describe the Greatness of Your Name? |
If I cut my body into pieces, and burn them in the fire, and if I make my body and mind into firewood, and night and day burn them in the fire, and if I perform hundreds of thousands and millions of religious rituals - still, all these are not equal to the Name of the Lord. |
If I did not commit any sins, O Infinite Lord, how would You have acquired the name, 'Redeemer of sinners'? |