Joining with the humble Saints of the Lord, my actions bring prosperity, and I have obtained the Lord of Bliss as my Husband. |
Just as the baby is satisfied by drinking milk, and the poor person is pleased by seeing wealth, and the thirsty person is refreshed by drinking cool water, so is this mind drenched with delight in the Lord. |
Just as the darkness is lit up by the lamp, and the hopes of the wife are fulfilled by thinking about her husband, and people are filled with bliss upon meeting their beloved, so is my mind imbued with the Lord's Love. |
Just as the tongue, made of flesh and blood, is protected within the scissors of the thirty-two teeth - who thinks that the power lies in the flesh or the scissors? Everything is in the Power of the Lord. In just the same way, when someone slanders the Saint, the Lord preserves the honor of His servant. |
Keep the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, enshrined in your heart, and your affairs shall be quickly resolved. |
Kings and emperors are under His Power. The whole world is under His Power. |
Know that from the vibration of the Word, we obtain spiritual wisdom and meditation. Through it, we speak the Unspoken. He is the fruit-bearing Tree, luxuriantly green with abundant shade. The rubies, jewels and emeralds are in the Guru's Treasury. |
Know that He is always near at hand. Accept the Order of God as True. |
Know that there is no difference between the Guru, the True Guru, and your Lord and Master. Meeting with Him, take pleasure in the Lord's devotional service. Says Nanak, O mortal, in the fourth watch of the night, the life-night of the devotee is fruitful. |
Know the state of your inner being; meet with the Guru and get rid of your skepticism. |
Know this well, that one who eats and eats while practicing evil, is like a field of poisonous plants. |
Later, you will regret and repent - you fool! Why are you engrossed in evil-mindedness and skepticism? |
Leaving the womb, you entered this mortal world; you have forgotten the Lord from your mind. |
Let all your affairs be resolved, by continually worshipping the Feet of the Guru. |
Let contentment be your father; the Guru is the Primal Being, beyond birth or incarnation. |