Blessed is that time when one sings and hears the Lord's Name. Blessed and approved is the coming of such a one. |
Blessed is the mother who gave birth; blessed and respected is the father of one who serves the True Guru and finds peace. His arrogant pride is banished from within. Standing at the Lord's Door, the humble Saints serve Him; they find the Treasure of Excellence. |
Blessed, blessed are the humble servants of the Lord, who know the Lord God. I go and ask those humble servants about the Mysteries of the Lord. I wash and massage their feet; joining with the humble servants of the Lord, I drink in the Sublime Essence of the Lord. |
Blessed, blessed is the Guru of servant Nanak; meeting Him, all my sorrows and troubles have come to an end. |
Blessed, blessed is the Guru, the True Being, who has blessed me with devotional worship of the Lord. |
Blessed, blessed is the trade of those traders who have loaded the merchandise of the Wealth of the Lord. |
Blessed, rewarding and fruitful is the service of the True Guru; through it, I chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, and I have found peace. |
Blessing us with His Glance of Grace, the Kind and Compassionate, All-powerful Lord comes to dwell within the mind and body. My soul, body and wealth are His. Forever and ever, I am a sacrifice to Him. |
Body and soul and all riches are Yours. Yours is the Power, O Lord of the World. |
Body and soul, all belong to Him. He gives His Support to all. |
Body, soul and all things belong to the Lord - praise Him, and offer your prayers to Him. |
Born because of the karma of their past mistakes, they make more mistakes, and fall into mistakes. |
Bound and gagged at Death's Door, One is cruelly beaten, and punished in the Court of the Lord |
Bring the twenty-seven elements of the body under your control, and throughout the three stages of life, remember death. |
Burn the pen, and burn the ink; burn the paper as well. Burn the writer who writes in the love of duality. |