27 ordspråk av Ted Musgrave

Ted Musgrave

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 Put everything on the table, winner take all.

 That's OK, ... When we get to Homestead, we just need to stay close to him and wrap it up. The thing is, just don't put yourself in jeopardy.

 The way Toyotas were running away with everything, we couldn't catch them hardly at all.

 There were times we had each other about sideways. But I had to be careful because I had guys coming up from behind me. I just could not out-run (Starr) today.

 This is the Olympics of racing.

 We both took risks because Todd and I both know on a speedway like this, the spinning truck will drift down the banking, ... But the fans got to see something pretty awesome.

 We opted to put on tires. My call, just to make sure we got no flats or anything happened. Good day for us in points, but the season ain't over yet.

 We've had some solid races in the past few weeks,

 With six races to go, things can happen. If we stay right there and gain a little here and there, we'll be OK.

 Wow I passed a lot of trucks. It's tough to pass, but it's exciting to make some passes here too. From my windshield I saw a lot of exciting stuff going on and from my mirror I saw some exciting stuff going on. I don't know if it was just me, but it was one heck of a race going on out here.

 You almost hate to see a restart. It's good for the fans, but for the driver it's a crap shoot. It's like running on grease for a couple laps.

 You could have given me 100 starts, and I don't think I would have caught him.

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