8 ordspråk av Tom Cappel

Tom Cappel

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 Both of them are juniors. It bodes well for the future.

 He could easily start on any team around, but we like the chemistry we have right now, and they're playing very well together. We feel very good about our team chemistry, and I really like how they're hanging together.

 If we play defense, we give fits, and if we don't play defense, we have fits. Julian Scott is a guy that not everyone knows about because we are so balanced and deep.

 It was a game of mistakes, and we just made more than they did. We went a little cold, and they were shooting free throws and we weren't.

 It was definitely a wake-up call for us, so I have to look back and take it as a positive. It wasn't a positive that night, but we thought of that game as a fluke. I mean, eighth graders don't shoot that bad.

 The bus driver told me we had better watch Grant. I'm not kidding. Grant and (Quentin) Lewis can shoot it. I think we were just a little more battle-tested.

 There was no flow to the game. We might have been physically and mentally tired. I'm mentally tired. I'm looking forward to a few days off.

 We have no superstars, but a lot of better than average players. Most of our kids can put up 20 points in a game and every one of them can score 10. What is nice about this team is if somebody messes up, we don't go down. We have kids who can step up. It's a fun style to coach. There are no egos on this team. The chemistry is very good and they are really nice kids.

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