3 ordspråk av Walwyn Brewley

Walwyn Brewley

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 I'm unhappy that nothing has been done on the Old Recreation Grounds up to now. The Trust promised to do a lot of stuff on that ground, and without fail, they told me it should be done so that we can open on Feb 6. But so far, each time I pass by and look in nothing has happened. I see a couple teams practicing now, which means some of the teams are beginning to get serious, but nothing has been done on the grounds. I can't see us opening a league until these things are rectified.

 It's very hot there - during the day and night. Even at night, there's a hot breeze like when you open an oven. You will have to be well-conditioned, and players will have to drink a lot of water to survive out there.

 We hardly play day games here, but when you go to tournaments, you have to be ready to play at any time. Unless you're well-conditioned, after the first couple games you find players breaking down, pulling this and pulling that. If we are going from here, we need to go from here with a well-conditioned team.

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