[The ruling] does chill linking and, in the long run, it chills the Internet. Certainly linking will become a key issue for an appeal now. |
Anything that chills linking is dangerous for the Web. |
In this case, it seemed the video's circulation online was driving more people to watch SNL on television, (and likely encouraging them to watch it live so they could have the first crack at talking about new episodes with friends) -- attracting viewers especially among the young, connected demographic advertisers want to reach. |
Rather than demanding that 60 million people sharing music files turn themselves in with a so-called 'amnesty' program, the recording industry should take this opportunity to make file-sharing legal in exchange for a reasonable fee. |
Stepping into the spotlight to admit your guilt is probably not a sensible course for most people sharing music files online. |
You're not looking at a free marketplace of competitors. |