9 ordspråk av Will Shortz
Will Shortz
Crosswords were a mania in the 1920s when the first books appeared and a lot of people thought they would come and go.
Every time I see the film, my palms get itchy and I start to sweat. Of course I know the outcome and I've seen it five times, but it gets so exciting.
Fans have never recognized me before because I'm in newspaper and on radio, two things where I'm completely anonymous.
I can't wait for the award ceremony where Ken is going to give himself an award. We'll see if this is the start of 75 consecutive victories.
I don't think these books will stay on the best-seller list forever, but I think this puzzle is here to stay like the crossword.
It's not that they were bad. It's because it was a really tough puzzle.
It's quiet because they're solving, but it's electric in the room. There's a feeling of tension, a good feeling of tension. When the first person says 'Done,' there's a good feeling in the room.
The Ultimate Coffeehouse Crossword Challenge is an exciting opportunity for me to share my lifelong passion of puzzles in a new, interactive way. Whether you're a seasoned crossword enthusiast or new to the game, this contest offers something for every level of puzzler.
Well, you could have picked Salem, your capital, but Scio works.