10 ordspråk av Zack Moritz

Zack Moritz

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 Every game now is a must-win game. We've just got to keep this momentum because we have two big games away (this week), and they're both tough teams.

 I wasn't even thinking about college back then.

 I'd always been the big, awkward kid. Now, it's nice to kind of be the big man on campus.

 It gave me a lot of exposure.

 Our guys hit some shots tonight, which helped a lot.

 That could have played a part in it. We might have been getting a bit too overconfident. But I think we'll be fine at district. We just have to pull together.

 That whole spring and summer, I was in the gym.

 The recruiting process, as exciting as it is, it's overwhelming. You get phone calls, e-mails, text messages. It's non-stop.

 We just need to play every game like it's a league title game.

 We were in the gym five nights a week, Monday through Friday, 7 to 10 (p.m.) every night. Just running and working on fundamentals and footwork. It really helped me come into my own. It helped me mature, and I don't think I'm done yet.

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