If you look at our division, it's up for grabs. Right now, even with us at 2-5, we still have a good chance to win it. |
If you look back at the past we had more than one or two players that can score double digits, and today we had three. |
If you overdosed on it, it might make you feel sick and give you a slight uplift in your libido [on their Barbie Drug] |
If you spend too much time warming up, you'll miss the race. If you don't warm up at all, you may not finish the race. |
If you spend too much time warming up, you'll miss the race. If you don't warm up at all, you may not finish the race. |
If you still have no explanation for your child's death, please contact me. I know the agony. I know it's not just us. |
If you take a look out there in the Gulf, it's a scary scenario, but the good thing is people are taking it seriously. |
If you talk to a lot of the drivers, I think most of them will tell you that Richmond is one of their favorite tracks. |
If you talk to pension funds, for example, there is widespread recognition that commodities need to be in a portfolio. |
If you think about it, the guys at the hatchery aren't going to stand there and count 1,000 trout when they load them. |
If you walked into Netscape headquarters with a plain old modem from CompUSA they'd think it was a garage-door opener. |
If you want a single European market and you want goods to move efficiently, you have to invest in new infrastructure. |
If you would have told us several years ago that we would be doing all these hikes, we would have said you were crazy. |
If you would have told us we were going to beat a Michigan team like that by 28, I would have probably laughed at you. |