It does help. But when Lee Memorial must pay $11 million a year to the trauma center, $1 million is only a small help. |
It does hurt because we are in a playoff race so we can't let this get us down if we expect to be a championship team. |
It does seem to make sense for both sides really — this allows a more focused play for the UK in terms of Ladbrokes. |
It doesn't matter to us whether we're playing in front of 15,000 fans or 4,000 fans. Playing at home was an advantage. |
It doesn't matter who scores. And she has that mindset. But she's been the one. She's been a very consistent finisher. |
It doesn't matter who we play now, ... we got the confidence. I think this woke our team up, to flip a game like that. |
It doesn't show Minister Tony getting sprayed. But it shows everything after that. But I'm determined to find the guy. |
It doesn't sound like a lot. And it isn't a lot but it's six more cents and when you put it in perspective it adds up. |
It enhances guest services. You don't have to get out of your car at six in the morning and into the freezing weather. |
It feels good, soothing or whatever other word you want to use, when you're showing you can hit the ball and drive it. |
It feels pretty good, pretty stable. I tweaked it a little bit at practice earlier in the week, but it feels good now. |
It felt like every time that a 3 went in that it was a dagger in your back. It takes the wind right out of your sails. |
It gave me a boost of adrenaline hearing all the Kentucky fans cheering and stuff. I just had to try and shut them up. |
It gives me an opportunity to get to know more about my students and their lives and that lets me be a better teacher. |
It gives me an opportunity to speak of my daughter, to say my daughter's name, to cry about that awful loss inside me. |