1686 proverbs

Proverbs med 265 bokstäver

 I think everyone appreciates the fact that we were forthcoming with the information. We were all shocked that it happened, and at this point we're taking a look at everything we do and have done. Our biggest concern is for the victim and everyone else in the class.

 I think gas prices have had a definite impact on people who do not have a specific destination planned in advance, ... A lot of the fall foliage travelers are seniors. Because their budgets are impacted more dramatically, I don't think they'll be traveling as much.

 I think having those no-bumping zones out there did make a difference. There was certainly some desperation for the guys who had to race their way into the 500, but I think we saw a heck of lot less crashes than we would have seen without NASCAR making that change.

 I think he didn't feel like he needed any assistance, ... I think he felt that with his Notre Dame background he was in pretty good shape in terms of understanding the program, what he wanted to do. I think he wanted to come in and have a fresh, brand new approach.

 I think he enjoyed the limelight of this notorious crime and all the people in the courtroom, ... I think he wanted to get up on the witness stand to testify just as he testified. I think it was something unusual to this case. It was the way he wanted it conducted.

 I think he has an obligation to try to unite this country and not to divide this country, ... But the Ashcroft nomination does meet the standard the president set (in his inaugural address). It does not inspire confidence in the United States Department of Justice.

 I think he has more wins than I do. He had the last one. The last game was kind of a big game. He was a junior, and I was a senior. We lost, 6-0, on a kickoff return. I was not on the kickoff-coverage team, I do point that out, the only time I was not on the field.

 I think he was kind of worn down, and he just looked like he didn't have a lot of gas on Sunday, ... I talked to him about that after the game. I said, 'Hey, we've got to get gas back in your tank.' I might have to rest him a little bit during the week in practice.

 I think he's already one of the best ? if not the best ? catchers in all of baseball. He's going to continue to improve. People talk about power and hitting enough home runs. It takes awhile to adjust to the pitching. He's a contact hitter. He's not a free swinger.

 I think I look very healthy. You've already seen what I've eaten, so I couldn't be anorexic, and I wouldn't throw up if you paid me $1,000, so I'm not bulimic. Okay, for $1,000 I would stick my finger down my throat, but throwing up is the worst thing in the world.
  Courteney Cox

 I think in 2006 we will introduce another Perrier. Some people want an international award, to separate the British from others, and others still want a pure standup award, with no slides or sketch comedy. It's my job now to canvass opinion as to what it should be.

 I think in addition to the fact that there's no progress to report, I think the MTA is very concerned that we are down to the wire. Obviously the MTA does not have any deadline on these talks. We have said we will continue to negotiate for as long as it's fruitful.

 I think individual libraries who feel very strongly that they want to keep their catalogue pure in the philosophical sense will change it and have done so. I think others will be more concerned about when people come into the library, can they find the book or not.

 I think it's going to be Reese. Again, if somebody that movie was about died in the last year or so, that's the odds on favorite. They like dead people at the Oscars. I mean, the Oscar will go to Reese and June Carter. How can you not give an Oscar to a dead woman?

 I think it's likely that prices will spike again and I think it's near certainty there will be some material shortages, ... Our cement shortages will certainly get worse. We're heading for severe shortages of cement at least until those ports are fully operational.

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