Gold and silver are mingled with dirt, till avarice parted them |
Gonzalez makes a lot of winners but he makes a lot of mistakes, |
Good as it is to inherit a library, it is better to collect one |
Good deeds yield good results and bad deeds yield bad results. |
Good morning. Well, thank you very much. You got up very early. |
Good time management is a major motivator, from my perspective. |
Grandchildren are God's way of compensating us for growing old. |
Grant us laughter, ... and grant us a time to enjoy each other. |
grateful that we do not have to turn away our 20 million users. |
Gray wolves are very hardy, very tough and can withstand a lot. |
Greatness alone in not enough, or the cow would outrun the hare |
Grouping makes tackling things like attendance more manageable. |