7871 proverbs

Proverbs med 78 bokstäver

 Are there not other ways money can be raised to build these sports facilities?

 Are we having as much success as in the past? Honestly, not so much right now,

 Are you a SNIOP? Someone who is Sensitive to the Negative Influence Of Others?
  Zig Ziglar

 Are you willing to send your own sons and daughters to bleed in Kosovo, ma'am?

 Around the ancient track marched, rank on rank, / The army of unalterable law.
  George Meredith

 Art is always political. Film makers are not citizens from a different planet.

 As a first step, this might be something if it is implemented compassionately.

 As a part owner, I'm going to be not only an admirer, ... but a nervous wreck.

 As a player, this is a challenging time in the season and you want to step up.

 As a practical matter, prosecutors don't go to grand juries for a misdemeanor.

 As a rule, we do not confirm or deny our participation in any bidding process.

 As a small chapter our doors would be closed if it weren't for our volunteers.

 As a striker it's great to have someone behind you feeding you quality passes.

 As a team, we played great defense. We are absolutely a defensive-minded team.

 As a whole staff, we're just trying to step it up while Doc and Teddy are out,

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