Give it a couple days. Maybe longer if his infection isn't gone. We feel for him. We need him. |
Given sentiment, we expect some near-term upside in the stock capped by revenue growth issues. |
Given the limited policy options they have, they don't have much of an alternative to talking. |
Glen cared very much about his grandkids. He cared about his family, and he was a hard worker. |
Glen Dorsey stepped up. He's going to be a great leader and a tremendous player for us inside. |
Glenn accepts this and is now looking at how best to shape his squad with the money available. |
Globalization was a deep trend pushed by technology and right ideas, as much as anything else. |
Gloversville is tough in that there's a perception to overcome -- that it's a dying mill town. |
GM farming has arrived, and we must have the administrative tools to handle all aspects of it. |
GM should be able to increase the retiree base quite substantially without impairing the plan. |
Go recruit, go recruit. Kids know they can play early. It's evident we don't have enough guys. |
God makes three requests of his children: Do the best you can, where you are, with what you have, now |