Is there ever any danger of a space- walking astronaut being hit by super fast-moving space junk? |
Just a run, no, it’s a coaching– |
Let's just slow down here for a moment. |
These things happen. Of course, you know, no one’s surprised there’s stagecraft when it comes to, you know, President. I mean, think of Ronald Reagan. He sort of brought it to high art. And this is, I guess, what happens as it continues on. |
They received their orders, they snapped their heels, and they did as they were told, didn’t they? But here’s the thing, though. The truth be told, if they were not coached, they would have said things that the administration would have liked to hear, I’m convinced. Because they are, you know, these troops are gung ho about their mission. And so it’s a shame that they have cast this cloud, I think. |
Up Close and Personal with Anthony Kennedy. |
What do the current astronauts and cosmonauts think should the Russians extend this program by possibly adding, say, a tourist-only module to the international space station? |
What is it like? |
Why Iraq, when so much evidence points to substantial Saudi involvement with people financing, and the apparent cooperation of elements of the Saudi government, as shown by the refusal to grant U.S. investigators access to known conspirators held there? |
Yeah. Allison Barber, Deputy Assistant Secretary, said, here’s the part that I like. 'Okay, so let’s work on that answer a little bit, Captain Kennedy. Why don’t you work on, 'we’re working with the Iraqi soldiers, and to my right is Master Sergeant.' And then a little later, 'she says, you know, a few smiles wouldn’t hurt back here on the TV. A few smiles.' So- |
You know, a lot of people don’t know it, but we get here at four in the morning and do the entire show in rehearsal just to get it right, right? |