But whoever disputes with you in this matter after what has come to you of knowledge, then say: Come let us call our sons and your sons and our women and your women and our near people and your near people, then let us be earnest in prayer, and pray |
Do you not see that Allah is He Whom do glorify all those who are in the heavens and the earth, and the (very) birds with expanded wings? He knows the prayer of each one and its glorification, and Allah is Cognizant of what they do. (The Light 24.41) |
Fast which is good to Allah and that fasting which Daud (AS) observed. |
Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of truth, from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizyah with willing subm |
God is with those who persevere |
God is with those who persevere |
Have you not seen those to whom it was said: Withhold your hands, and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate; but when fighting is prescribed for them, lo! a party of them fear men as they ought to have feared Allah, or (even) with a greater fear, and |
He said: My Lord! surely my bones are weakened and my head flares with hoariness, and, my Lord! I have never been unsuccessful in my prayer to Thee. (Marium 19.4) |
He said: The prayer of you both has indeed been accepted, therefore continue in the right way and do not follow the path of those who do not know. (Jonah 10.89) |
If you disclose your alms, even then it is well done, but if you keep them secret, and give them to the poor, then that is better still for you; and this wipes off from you some of your evil deeds |
Persistence is the twin sister of excellence. One is a matter of quality; the other, a matter of time. |
Prayer carries us half way to God, fasting brings us to the door of His palace, and alms-giving procures us admission. |
Repentance is good, but innocence better |
Say: Call upon Allah or call upon, the Beneficent God; whichever you call upon, He has the best names; and do not utter your prayer with a very raised voice nor be silent with regard to it, and seek a way between these. (The Children of Israel 17.110 |
Seize them and slay them wherever you find them: and in any case take no friends or helpers from their ranks |