By allowing his client to be sworn under oath about his private sex life, he made a terrible, terrible mistake. |
It's David Duke with footnotes. |
Nobody gets immunity from perjury. If he testified falsely, he would be prosecuted. It's hard for me to make a judgment because I don't know what's true and what's false. |
Summers committed the cardinal sin against the academic hard left. He expressed politically incorrect views regarding gender, race, religion, sexual preference and the military. . . . In the minds of at least some vocal members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, expressing such politically incorrect views is the academic equivalent of provoking Islamic extremists by depicting Prophet Mohammad in a political cartoon. |
The count is going to go on. That doesn't mean my clients will be satisfied with the count. If the count excludes the votes of some whose will is clearly reflected in the ballot, we will pursue our options in the state court. |
The jury concluded that Fuhrman planted the glove. |
The prosecution lost its credibility by putting a man on the witness stand who lied about the 'n' word. |
You're absolutely right: Bob Grant is a racist, Bob Grant is a bigot, he's a despicable talk show host and I agree with that. |