Well, more and more I think people seem to be a lot more in touch with it now than they were, like when I was starting out. You know, I was on the tail end of the sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll thing when I got rolling (laughs). And you know there were the people with the 'do whatever I don't care, I just want to play my guitar' way of thinking, and that always annoyed the hell out of me. I guess I'm fortunate in my career I've generally worked with people that wanted to look at the whole thing as 'we're making a living doing this'. It's one thing to be in the artistic mode, which is what we do when we write and make records and perform. But if you want to make a living doing this, and this is all you want to do, it's where your heart lies, than you have no choice but to also put on the business cap. In this day and age, especially with the Internet. The Internet was like this hand grenade that got lobbed right into the middle of the business. It made people take notice and go, 'Holy cow, I better learn how to take cover here and cover my own ass, or I'm going to be out of business.' Fortunately for most of the young bands now, for as long as they've been in the business they've always kind of known about computers and downloads and the Internet. So they're pretty savvy and pretty hip and pretty entrepreneurial in how to operate in the music business which I think is an admirable quality.