24 ordspråk av David Patten

David Patten

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 No one expects us to do anything in the NFC East this year, ... Everybody's negative, and we've kind of brought it on ourselves because we've struggled in the past. But the bottom line is it's a new year - everybody's even.

 No one expects us to do anything in the NFC East this year. Everybody's negative, and we've kind of brought it on ourselves because we've struggled in the past. But the bottom line is it's a new year - everybody's even.

 So when you have all that attention focused on one guy, then the other guys have to step up around him and a day like [Sunday] when they're doing that [to Moss], for me to come away with one catch is extremely frustrating. But a lot of things are out of my control. This is something we have to capitalize off of as an offense. If they're going to come in and take Santana away, then everybody around him has got to step up and get things done.

 The thing about it now is the games don't count. We've got two weeks to fix the problem. The thing I observed tonight — after the picks, after the bad plays, he was still upbeat, he still took charge in the huddle.

 Throughout the 40 minutes we've at least got to put together some good defensive stretches. The shots they missed were because they missed, we didn't pressure anybody. As a whole we need to defend everybody and get some stops, I mean they shot 120 percent.

 We have to realize that is a business decision and the direction the university wants to go, and we have to deal with it.

 We won three games like that. And sometimes those games go the other way.

 We've got to go out there and show some consistency. We've got to show that we're going to be able to complement our defense.

 When it came down to the end of the game they kind of got soft, ... because they thought we were out of the game.

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