As a consumer you're going to pay more, but as an energy investor, you're going to be smiling as you put $3 gasoline in your tank. |
For now the gasoline market looks OK. I'm not going to say the summer driving season is not going to see higher prices. I think there's a lot of uncertainty. |
I hate to be an alarmist, but we're in a situation without much precedent. With the gasoline market as tight as it is, people complain about $3 gas but they'll put $5 gas in their car if they suddenly think it's not available. |
I hate to be an alarmist, but we're in a situation without much precedent. With the gasoline market as tight as it is, people complain about $3 gas but they'll put $5 gas in their car if they suddenly think it's not available. |
I wouldn't call this a failure, but if it happened routinely, we'd have a different discussion. |
It's going to be tough to build products with the number of refineries off line. |
It's more of a feel-good bill than anything else. The bill does nothing to reduce our dependence on imported oil and the only winners will be those that benefit from high energy prices. |
It's possible (we'll see $4), but I don't think so. |
It's taking a long time to get the answer. Educated guess: No news is bad news. |
The markets will treat it like it's Tyrannosaurus rex, but bigger. |
The markets will treat it like it's Tyrannosaurus rex, but bigger. |
The real issue is offshore production. |
There's a fair amount of visibility that the refineries that haven't come back on yet will be down for a while. That makes the market nervous. |
We're in an information vacuum because it's going to be another couple of days until we get a meaningful damage assessment. |
We've got a very uncertain geopolitical environment, and we have an uncertain gasoline situation in the U.S., and all those factors are driving the energy market higher. |