This is tremendous news, but we haven't yet identified the regions where the dollars will go. |
To look too far ahead may not even be realistic given that conditions can, and often do, change. |
We did take a close, careful look at the data. A signal cannot be approved at this time. Side street volume isn't just there yet. |
We expect that drive to get better soon. |
We had consultants who do design and engineering, consultants who do inspections on construction jobs. |
We have evaluated possible pond sites for the project, and this particular parcel is the most viable, from a drainage standpoint and a fiscal perspective. |
We know that red light running creates a lot of crashes but we still look for drivers to operate cars responsibly. |
We need to continue to talk about pedestrian safety. We see families out there, and they're not always looking both ways. |
We recognize the importance of getting the six lanes built. |
We stamped everything subject to change. |
We were not able to do the project as part of an emergency response because FEMA didn't approve it. FEMA considered it permanent repair, not emergency repairs. |
We'll review the construction zone, but our project inspectors are careful that things are placed properly for safety and so drivers can navigate the new changes. |
With increasing development along US 41, it means more cars and just more vehicles on the roadway. Florida DOT recognizes the need to have six lanes on US 41 and Lee County clearly recognizes the need as well. |