It's a fast technology. You don't have to dig up streets. |
Only about 10% of our low income neighborhoods have Internet connectivity and about 90% of higher income neighborhoods have connectivity. The goal is to give everyone equal access. |
The beauty of the technology is that the intelligence is in the devices. The mounting of the equipment can happen very quickly so depending on how harsh a winter the entire network could be ready even sooner than the fall. That's what we are learning from these pilots, what is takes to install and maintain the equipment. |
This is about bringing economic vitality to underserved communities. We're changing the face of the city. |
We believe that affordable access to the Internet will help us do so. To be a city of the 21st century you need to have your populace able to use Internet. |
We will be able to keep the network fresh and able to meet the latest standards. Our intent and goal is to keep it state-of-the-art. |
We're getting a wonderful national and international reputation just by announcing we're doing this. It helps put Philadelphia on the map. |