780 ordspråk av François de la Rochefoucauld
François de la Rochefoucauld
Minds of moderate caliber ordinarily condemn everything, which is beyond their range
Misers mistake gold for good, whereas it is only a means of obtaining it
Moderation cannot claim the merit of opposing and overcoming Ambition: they are never found together. Moderation is the languor and sloth of the soul, Ambition its activity and heat.
Moderation in people who are contented comes from that calm that good fortune lends to their spirit.
Moderation is an ostentatious proof of our strength of character.
Moderation is caused by the fear of exciting the envy and contempt which those merit who are intoxicated with their good fortune; it is a vain display of our strength of mind, and in short the moderation of men at their greatest height is only a desire to
Moderation is made a virtue to limit the ambition of the great; to console ordinary people for their small fortune and equally small ability.
More men are guilty of treason through weakness than any studied design to betray
More persons exist without self-love than without envy.
Most friends sicken us of friendship, most devotees of devotion.
Most men expose themselves in battle enough to save their honor, few wish to do so more than sufficiently, or than is necessary to make the design for which they expose themselves succeed.
Most men, like plants, possess hidden qualities which chance discovers.
Most of our faults are more pardonable than the means we use to conceal them.
Most people judge men only by success or by fortune.
Most women do not grieve so much for the death of their lovers for love's-sake, as to show they were worthy of being beloved.