I applaud Malaysia's leadership in ratifying this important convention, which creates an international legal framework that will help attract finance to the aviation industry. |
If one of the partners in a partnership is losing his shirt while the other is counting his money, it is no longer a partnership. |
If we reach our target of 100 percent for worldwide electronic ticketing in 2007, then the airline industry could save about $3.5 billion annually. |
India was always a great market, but for the future. Now it can become an important market in the short term. |
It's not revolutionary technology, it's not something that we have to invent, it's existing technology. |
Moreover, the impact of Hurricane Katrina on fuel supplies and refinery capacity will only ensure that relief will not come soon. |
Oil is now destroying our profitability. We are in an emergency mode. |
Oil is once again robbing the industry of a return to profitability, ... Each dollar added to the price of a barrel adds $US1 billion in costs to the industry. |
Oil is once again robbing the industry of a return to profitability. Cost reductions and efficiency gains have never been more critical. |
Oil remains the single-biggest challenge for airline profitability. Strong demand gives little hope of significantly reduced prices this year. What is disappointing is the response of the oil industry. Instead of expanding refinery capacity, the oil companies plan to return a quarter of a trillion dollars to investors over the next two years. Airlines alone have contributed $14 billion to this windfall profit. It is time that governments stepped in to encourage investment in new refinery capacity along with research into alternative fuel sources. |
Oil remains the wild card for industry profitability. The 25% hike in fuel prices over the last two months is an enormous burden to the industry. However, the S$ 1.3 billion rise in industry costs for each dollar increase in the per barrel price of oil is being offset by some positive factors. Industry hedging levels are 50%. Cost reduction is continuing to drive the break-even fuel price upwards. And the US domestic yield rose 12.4% in February. |
Paper costs money...you do not need to be a rocket scientist to understand that up to $3 billion in savings are possible. |
Remember, India is our greatest potential market. |
The airline battle to reduce costs, increase yields and improve efficiencies is effective well beyond expectations. |
The approach of the French Government to air transport is from another age. There was little or no financial transparency. And a result that ignores the recommendation of an independent commission makes a total mockery of the consultation process. The government should support greater efficiency rather than shirking its regulatory responsibilities. |