One of the most important services provided by our website is to find a business feature. From this site you can just type in a one word description, such as restaurant or clothing, and you will be given a list of every business in Southlake that fits that criteria. It's a great tool for newcomers and current residents because new businesses open everyday and it is hard to keep up with them unless you have a database like this to search. |
Our goal, as reflected in our mission statement, is to help create a diversified, vibrant and sustainable economy through attraction and support of businesses meeting the vision and standards desired by city leaders. There is a whole lot to our department; we handle new business requests for information, answer questions about existing businesses and try to head people in the right direction to obtain the information they are looking for. |
We spend a fair amount of time maintaining this database. We are continually updating the information on the businesses so we will always have the correct information. It is important to make changes when owners change or other pertinent information changes. |
We spend a lot of time explaining the permit process to business owners and potential business owners. And while we are busy trying to attract new businesses to Southlake, we try to be aware of the needs of our existing businesses. Sometimes it is a real juggling act. |
When realtors send out relocation packages to people who have been transferred to the area, they usually get their information from us. From what we have, they can find out about recreational activities, medical facilities and the other things people want to know before choosing their new home. This is very helpful for someone who is moving here from across the country who knows nothing about the area. |