At a private gift exchange ceremony, one journalist broke all ground rules, behaved rudely, and was escorted out of the private meeting. |
Just because Fund defends that is what his source said, does not make his source right. His source is wrong. |
President Levin leads through building consensus for key issues and initiatives. With respect to President Summers, it is well known that he was charged with moving Harvard in a different direction, to 'renew it' as he himself has stated. With this charge from his Corporation, he felt the best way to proceed was to roll up his sleeves and get to work. Unfortunately, not everyone appreciated this nor wanted the changes he was advocating. |
Professor Kennedy was involved in a minor car accident where a woman leaving her car was slightly injured. As routine, the police arrived at the scene and took Prof. Kennedy into the station for further questioning and tests Professor Kennedy is deeply upset that any injury may have been caused by the accident. |
We invited you to cover an event, not to hold a press conference. |