I shoot the Hippopotamus with bullets made of platinum, because if I use the leaden one his hide is sure to flatten em. |
I'm tired of love; I'm still more tired of rhyme; but money gives me pleasure all the time. |
Is there no Latin word for Tea? Upon my soul, if I had known that I would have let the vulgar stuff alone |
It is sometimes necessary to lie damnably in the interests of the nation |
It is the best of all trades, to make songs, and the second best to sing them. |
Just as there is nothing between the admirable omelet and the intolerable, so with autobiography. |
Loss and possession, death and life are one, There falls no shadow where there shines no sun. |
Of all fatiguing, futile, empty trades, the worst, I suppose, is writing about writing. |
Oh, my friends, be warned by me, That breakfast, dinner, lunch and tea, Are all human frame requires |
Oh! let us never, never doubt what nobody is sure about! |
Pale Ebenezer thought it wrong to fight, but Roaring Bill (who killed him) thought it right. |
Physicians of the Utmost Fame Were called at once; but when they came they murmured as they took their fees, "There is no cure for this disease |
Remote and ineffectual don. |
Statistics are the triumph of the quantitative method, and the quantitative method is the victory of sterility and death |
Statistics are the triumph of the quantitative method, and the quantitative method is the victory of sterility and death |