A store of grain, Oh king is the best of treasures. A gem put in your mouth will not support life. |
Amongst all things, knowledge is truly the best thing: from its not being liable ever to be stolen, from it not being purchasable, and from its being imperishable. |
Greatness does not approach him who is forever looking down. |
Idleness, women, disorder, a foolish partiality for one's own native place, discontent and timidity are six obstructions to greatness. |
In time of danger it is proper to be alarmed until danger be near at hand; but when we perceive that danger is near, we should oppose it as if we were not afraid. |
Is anyone simply by birth to be applauded or punished? |
Learning is a livelihood. |
No man should ever display his bravery unless he is prepared for battle, nor bear the marks of defiance, until he has experienced the abilities of his enemy. |
No one should form an acquaintance with one who has an evil character. A piece of coal, if it is hot burns, and if it's cold, blackens the hands. |
No wise person should make known the loss of fortune, any malpractice in their house, his being cheated, or having been disgraced. |
One should not lift the rod against our enemies upon the private information of another. |
She is a wife who is the soul of her husband. |
Subdue fate by exerting human strength to the maximum; and if, when the effort has been made and success is not achieved, no one else can be blamed. |
That one is learned who has reduced his learning to practice. |
The mind is lowered through association with inferiors. With equals it attains equality; and with superiors, superiority. |