A classic is a book that has never finished saying what it has to say. |
Biographical data, even those recorded in the public registers, are the most private things one has, and to declare them openly is rather like facing a psychoanalyst. |
Everything can change, but not the language that we carry inside us, like a world more exclusive and final than one's mother's womb. |
I am prisoner of a gaudy and unlivable present, where all forms of human society have reached an extreme of their cycle and there is no imagining what new forms they may assume. |
In love, as in gluttony, pleasure is a matter of the utmost precision. |
It is not the voice that commands the story: it is the ear |
Melancholy is sadness that has taken on lightness |
Melancholy is sadness that has taken on lightness |
Myth is the hidden part of every story, the buried part, the region that is still unexplored because there are as yet no words to enable us to get there. Myth is nourished by silence as well as by words. |
Novels as dull as dishwater, with the grease of random sentiments floating on top. |
The catalogue of forms is endless: until every shape has found its city, new cities will continue to be born. When the forms exhaust their variety and come apart, the end of cities begins. |
The human race is a zone of living things that should be defined by tracing its confines. |
The ideal place for me is the one in which it is most natural to live as a foreigner. |
The ideal place for me is the one in which it is most natural to live as a foreigner. |
The satirist is prevented by repulsion from gaining a better knowledge of the world he is attracted to, yet he is forced by attraction to concern himself with the world that repels him. |