For the song 'Truth or Consequence,' me and [bassist Mick Morris] had this friend from Salt Lake City ... he was a good friend of mine ... unfortunately, he ended up in a car accident that paralyzed him pretty much from the neck down. He also needed a liver transplant. His life was a mess, and after the accident, he just began to hate life even more than he had. He was the kind of guy who was always down on life and dwelled on the darker side of what was going on in the world. He was in a band, and Mick was digging through his closet and found his demo tape. We put it on and it brought back all these memories. This guy wrote about taking his own life, which a lot of people sing about. Usually they don't go through with the act. He did, three years ago. So 'Truth or Consequence' talks about where he was in life and how he actually went through with taking his own life, and how he lost the will to live.