24 ordspråk av Jason Simpson

Jason Simpson

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 The fact that they have finally announced a deal has been taken as a mild positive for the bond market.

 The housing market seems to be stabilizing. This should draw a line under negative sentiment.

 There were lots of aggravating points in the game. But yeah, that was one.

 We expect any weakness in the economy to be temporary. Our view is that the economy will slow down a bit in the second half of this year.

 We just probably didn't give Baskett enough respect.

 We went back to our basics, and it really paid off for us. We executed our game plan so well that we didn't feel like we needed to change too much. We just needed more takeaways. We practiced it all week and we tried to get them out in the game, and it just didn't happen. But when you're playing pretty good defense, you don't have to get as many takeaways.

 We've been hit by some upside surprises, but a lot of the recent data has been back to questioning the strength of the European recovery. We could easily see the market rallying a bit.

 With the US out today, volumes are pretty low.

 Yields are going slightly higher still. The Fed will probably go to 5 percent and the risks are it could tighten further.

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