The Patent and Trademark Office was correct in issuing the patent. |
The plan will include decorative features, preliminary roadway realignments, drainage and landscaping. The FP&L element is not part of the 30-percent design, but it is following a parallel course. |
There are outstanding blue cheese makers in America, and Berkshire Blue is one of them. It's really creamy and very flavorful. Michael has helped define American blue cheese. |
There will be up to five live concurrent channels on the Web and eight additional audio channels covering the various committee meetings and other events. |
They got together and said they were going to do it for her. She was our inspiration, that's for sure. |
We do a little bit of everything. A lot of these kids need hands-on help. They need to know that when they talk, you're listening. |
We had thought about it. We had evacuated the year before for Ivan. They had predicted Ivan was going to hit us. So we got all our important papers together. We only took like four changes of clothes because we thought, 'We'll be back in a couple of days. |
We have permission to apply for buildings up to six stories in several locations, and this is one of those locations. |
We have to remember what it is we're trying to accomplish sometimes. |
We have to turn away people all the time if we don't have space. |
We think it is totally wrong for the state to direct a media outlet like this. |
We will have trucks traveling around providing coverage of state arts, culture, business and healthcare events. |
We're going to have to sit back and look at every food item in our store. |
We're just as confused as everyone else. |
We're not ready to put out the Java2 version yet, so we'll make the JDK 1.18 offering something to deploy in the interim, |