In the past 10 years, under the old rules, cable companies have been virtual monopolies and their rates have climbed unchecked. |
Technology is ever evolving. Yesterday's copper land lines and cable systems are old technology. With the ever growing capacity of the Internet and how it's used in every aspect of our lives today, current regulations have become counterproductive. Why use old regulatory systems for new technology? |
The current regulatory regime has enabled cable companies to become virtual monopolies, denying millions of consumers a choice in the marketplace. The result has been increased prices and the suppressed access to new and innovative technologies for consumers. It is time to open the video services market to more competition. |
This recent announcement proves that free markets work. After listening to its customers, McDonald's is taking responsible steps to provide them with the tools they've asked for to make informed choices. At the end of the day, it's personal responsibility, including educated, individual choices about food intake and physical activity, which make the difference--not government intervention or litigious arm-twisting. |