12 ordspråk av Jimmy Patsos

Jimmy Patsos

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 Andre is unbelievable. He's really more of a scorer, but he's got point-guard instincts. We lost five or six games in a row with him as the shooting guard. Teams were doubling him because he was firing away. When we moved him back to point guard, it turned us on. Now he kind of hides from teams on offense, and we've won four out of five.

 Can I have the 0-for-6?

 Eight good guys. I'll take their eight good guys.

 He is a tremendous competitor, a tremendous team player. The most depressing thing about China was finding out how good Jared Jordan was.

 He's meant the world to the program. He was one of the first building blocks. He didn't even see the campus and he was set on coming here. Having that kind of blind faith I'll appreciate the rest of my life.

 I like the intensity because that's the way we play and the kids expect that out of me.

 I'm very concerned about why the little things we used to do have gone away. I'm really frustrated but yet I'm still proud of what we have accomplished.

 Our talent has risen. To watch Andre and Hassan get 34 and 21, that's why I brought them here. These guys, they can play at the highest level. Sometimes you just need a jump-start. Everybody needs a chance.

 Some people come up to me and say, 'That's the sign of a heart attack coming.' I say no. If I kept it in, that would be a heart attack.

 This guy to me looks like the next great player [at VMI]. He does a lot of stuff. He'll hit a 3. He'll drive it on you. He'll get a rebound. He'll make a steal. All of a sudden, he's got the stat sheet filled up.

 This has always been a lacrosse school. This is a small place, and he's a good guy. People want to come out, not only because he's a good player, but he's a good person. That's been exciting for us.

 We are growing as a team, this break helped us do that. I'm trying to get eight or nine really good guys. The fact that we wanted to win this game showed and it took 39 minutes and 57 seconds to do so.

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