We are disappointed that the court did not find in favor of the United States. We are reviewing and analyzing the opinion and cannot comment further at this time. |
We think we will have to adjust the current estimates downward. We as motorists now spend a lot more time in congestion than we did 20 years ago. The type of vehicles that we drive are different. Twenty years ago, air conditioning and power windows were options. Today, they are standard and ... have a detrimental effect on fuel economy. |
We would have to look at it case by case. |
What's exciting is that diesel will be on equal footing with gasoline in this country for the first time in a long time. |
Yes, they were burdensome. What was unforeseen was the banning of MTBE in some states because it was getting into groundwater. After MTBE was off the table, it was burdensome for states like California and New York that didn't have a strong ethanol base to meet the requirements. |