57 ordspråk av José Ortega y Gasset
José Ortega y Gasset
For the person for whom small things do not exist, the great is not great.
Hatred is a feeling which leads to the extinction of values.
I am I plus my circumstances.
I am I plus my surroundings and if I do not preserve the latter, I do not preserve myself.
I do not deny that there may be other well-founded causes for the hatred which various classes feel toward politicians, but the main one seems to me that politicians are symbols of the fact that every class must take every other class into account.
In order to master the unruly torrent of life the learned man meditates, the poet quivers, and the political hero erects the fortress of his will.
Law is born from despair of human nature.
Liberalism -- it is well to recall this today -- is the supreme form of generosity; it is the right which the majority concedes to minorities and hence it is the noblest cry that has ever resounded in this planet. It announces the determination to share existence with the enemy; more than that, with an enemy which is weak.
Life is a petty thing unless it is moved by the indomitable urge to extend its boundaries. Only in proportion as we are desirous of living more do we really live.
Life is a series of collisions with the future; it is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be.
Life is an operation which is done in a forward direction. One lives toward the future, because to live consists inexorably in doing, in each individual life making itself.
Living is a constant process of deciding what we are going to do.
Love is that splendid triggering of human vitality the supreme activity which nature affords anyone for going out of himself toward someone else.
Our firmest convictions are apt to be the most suspect, they mark our limitations and our bounds. Life is a pretty thing unless it is moved by the indomitable urge to extend its boundaries.
Poetry is adolescence fermented and thus preserved