I'm kind of a firm person. I believe in honesty and truth, and you just don't do things like that. Actually, you're here to help each other, not hurt someone. |
In the back, it took the electric pole -- split it in half, and threw it on the roof. |
It will scare you to heavens - it will scare you to heavens. It's a wonder -- it's God's grace that we are here. |
The one that came on this side here -- it just shot off from the other one. But, we were so concerned about the one that was coming at us we didn't see this until after. |
When you look around and you wonder -- this will never be the same. |
You've had to stay. You've had to stay to watch what went on because we'd seen kids coming across the yard over there picking up things in their wake that were maybe of use to them, maybe it was not ours, maybe it was our neighbors that blew down over here. But still, they were picking up things that were not theirs. |