Wisdom stands at the turn in the road and calls upon us publicly, but we consider it false and despise its adherents. |
Words are timeless. You should utter them or write them with a knowledge of their timelessness. |
Work is love made visible. |
Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy. |
Would that I were a dry well, and that the people tossed stones into me, for that would be easier than to be a spring of flowing water that the thirsty pass by, and from which they avoid drinking. |
Would that you could meet the sun and the wind with more of your body and less of your raiment |
Yes, there is Nirvana; it is in leading your sheep to a green pasture, and in putting your child to sleep, and in writing the last line of your poem |
Yesterday is but today's memory, tomorrow is today's dream. |
You are blind and I am deaf and dumb, so let us touch hands and understand |
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. |
You can muffle the drum, and you can loosen the strings of the lyre, but who shall command the skylark not to sing? |
You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. |
You have your ideology and I have mine. |
You may forget the one with whom you have laughed, but never the one with whom you have wept. |
You may give them your love but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. |