Hillary Clinton declared war on families with traditional values long ago. Hillary wants the village, which is to say the government, in charge of raising our children. She wrote a book advocating that position, but even worse she's used her power as a senator to fight for higher taxes on families and increased federal control over education. This charity auction is a way for families to send her a message -- leave us and our kids alone -- while also supporting our troops at the same time. |
It's ironic that Hillary's press secretary would call for more government intrusion into our lives while bashing my book. Who needs parents when you've got bureaucrats in the Department of Education taking care of our kids? Evidently Hillary thinks it takes a village to teach a child to read! |
Know-it-all liberal celebrities are in our faces every day, telling people how to live, what to buy, and often how to vote. Children need to understand that just because these people show up on television doesn't mean they know what's best for the rest of America. In fact, it's usually quite the opposite! |
Liberals have been targeting children in their war on traditional values for years. Since they can't persuade adult voters to abandon personal responsibility and embrace the welfare state, they have instead chosen to flood our classrooms and libraries with books about gay kings, socialist fish, and even marijuana use. It's time to put a stop to it -- and ironically Hillary is going to help us do just that! |
The liberal elites running Hollywood have no intention of ceasing their relentless attack on traditional values. It's almost impossible for parents to block out all of the left-wing messages that Hollywood and its media friends are bombarding our kids with. The solution is for parents to teach their children to laugh at Hollywood and to regard celebrities as silly people. |